OBORTECH aims to increase the performance and efficiency of current logistics services with the power of Blockchain and IoT. OBOT token serves as a bridge between DeFi and digital supply chain solution offered by OBORTECH called Smart Hub.


Better risk analysis and faster trade finance process

Increased operational efficiency and better fleet management

Reduced disputes caused by inconsistent and late data sharing

Transparency on product traceability and provenance

Broader market access and stronger customer relationship

Increased visibility and accurate planning


Blockchain and cloud powered communication hub

Accessible via easy to use web and mobile user interfaces, and an open API, the Smart Hub brings together supply chain actors, and enable their supply chains to share information, collaborate, conduct data analysis, and validate product traceability in real-time on a trusted platform.

Tamper-proof, unified and online document exchange

The Smart Hub allows secure sharing and exchange of documents with supply chain partners using blockchain powered version control. Authorized parties to any shipment can immediately see when changes have been made, and by whom, along a shipment journey.

IoT based real-time visibility and tracking

IoT sensors are installed on containers/trucks and transmit data to the Smart Hub dashboard to track valuable shipments, monitor their key physical measurements, and protect high-value products against theft. A client gets positioning data for shipment in real-time, irrespective of the shipping carrier they choose.

Open and decentralized networking marketplace

Based on the blockchain based trusted network established among the Smart Hub participants, the marketplace ecosystem will enable verification and scoring of stakeholders in supply chain without the need for third-party credentials. Moreover, the marketplace is a blockchain based decentralized ecosystem that enables buying, selling and exchanging of services without the need of intermediaries among the users.

OBORTECH's Smart Hub VS Traditional systems


The Smart Hub members themselves are the governing bodies of the network. Before joining, every new member in any supply chain network of the Smart Hub needs to be invited and approved by existing members of that supply chain network in the Smart Hub.

Smart Hub Marketplace open ecosystem

public blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

DeFi for Digital Supply Chain

Real life demand

Supply chain process has multiple actors having different technical capacities. Sharing data often requires manual, time-consuming, and complex processes, asking same information and tasks multiple times. Existing digital systems are mostly dedicated to specific organizations and their own environments only. Those systems are hard to be adopted by other players with different conditions. Users who lack IT knowledge and resources can’t build and maintain those systems. Complete supply chain visibility and trust only happens when all actors in all levels of supply chain actively participate in and have control over same information flow.

Fully digital and simple ecosystem for everyone

What if we have simple and easy-to-use fully digital network like Facebook in supply chain that everyone has equal participation rights, controls their own data, decides whom they want to connect, shares information remotely in unified format, receives real-time notifications, and gets valued based on their performance histories verified by other members in the network instead of complex procedure by single organization?

We aim to create the Smart Hub, a fully digital ecosystem for all actors in supply chain, which they can remotely collaborate in a decentralized and democratic blockchain network favoring everyone regardless of their size and IT capability. The Smart Hub offers:

· Blockchain and cloud powered communication hub

· Tamper-proof, unified and online document exchange

· IoT based real-time visibility and tracking

· Open and decentralized networking marketplace

Decentralized and democratic network

Unlike centralized systems, the Smart Hub users themselves have more control over the network, lead its adoption, and get benefit from the revenue stream. Before joining, every new member in any supply chain network of the Smart Hub needs to be invited and approved by existing members of that supply chain network in the Smart Hub. Also, if any member in the network behaves badly or inserts false information multiple times, that member’s score/rating in the network will be downgraded by other members.

Solving real life problems

Due to pandemic situation, physical interactions are strongly restricted in cross-border trade of meat products between Mongolia and China. It made the process, which had heavily relied on paper-based and manual information collection, 7 times slower and 4 times costly. Currently, OBORTECH is working with meat exporters and regulators in Mongolia to make the process a fully digital solution allowing actors to remotely access same information flow on blockchain.

Being a front-runner in its market to take off–Mongolia, OBORTECH has established partnerships with logistic companies and governmental institutions in Mongolia, Europe, and Australia. One of the biggest logistic companies in Mongolia invested in OBORTECH and funded its prototype development.

DeFi for digital supply chain

OBOT token is a main instrument for digital economy of the Smart Hub network. Members of the network can use OBOT token on performing transactions on the platform, escrowing contract bonuses, launching crowdfunding activities to the network community, exchanging services in the Smart Hub Marketplace, voting on governance policies and activities of the network, and getting rewards based on their performance ratings in the network. For more information: www.obortech.io.

OBOT token IEO starts on March 10, 2021 on Probit.

IEO starts on Probit from 10th March 2021

Starting price: ETH 0.000015

Invest upto 1 ETH, get 50% more bonus OBOT tokens

Invest between 1ETH - 2 ETH, get 100% more bonus OBOT token

Invest more than 2 ETH, get 200% more bonus OBOT tokens


Smart Hub transaction fee

OBOT token will be used for paying Transaction fee of bundled services offered by the Smart Hub. Every transaction revenue received by OBOT is split in the following way: 5% for token burns, 20% for marketing & community building, 5% for Non-Profit activities, and 70% for Network Admin fee.

Contract bonus

OBOT token can be used for promoting contract performances between the Smart Hub users. Users collaborating via the Smart Hub can convert some portion of their contract funding into OBOT tokens and allocate them in Escrow Contract as a bonus payment.


Members of the Smart Hub can launch crowdfunding activities to OBOT token holders in the Smart Hub Marketplace. It will be done either by lending with algorithmic interest rate protocol based on calculation of member score/rating or by pledging (similar to Kickstarter) between creators and backers based on Escrow Contract and performance tracking in the Smart Hub’s blockchain network.

Exchanging services

OBOT token will be used in the Smart Hub Marketplace when its users exchange services among them. The Smart Hub Marketplace is a blockchain based decentralized ecosystem that enables buying, selling and exchanging of services without the need of intermediaries among the Smart Hub users.

Member rewarding

The Smart Hub members will be rewarded by OBOT tokens based on their score/rating in the Marketplace. Members will be scored/rated by various ways based on blockchain data and performance histories in the Smart Hub network.


OBOT token allows holders to participate in Governance decisions of the Smart Hub Marketplace. They can exercise voting rights on policies of member enrollment, service exchanges, and crowdfunding activities of the Marketplace.

OBORTECH (OBOT) token address:


Always check the token address before you purchase. Beware of scammers. We don't have any pre-sale or airdrop program at the moment. Your only chance to have OBOT tokens is to participate our IEO on Probit.

For more information: www.obortech.io

OBOT token IEO starts on March 10, 2021 on Probit


Tamir Baasanjav: CEO and Founder

He is specialized in project management and strategic communication. He had worked in managerial and expert positions of prestigious international development, government and business organizations such as an agency funded by Government of the United States for transportation and energy efficiency fields, Knowledge Hub project of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation on sustainable mining, and the biggest corporate bank of Mongolia. He also has 10 years of experience in UX and product designs. He won the global product design contest held by Adidas.

He designed the Smart Hub concept and its business strategy. He manages the project and leads the product design and marketing/communication.

Enkhbat Dorjsuren: Logistics Lead and Co-founder

He has 20 years of experience in logistics and transportation sector. He is a CEO of Mongolian Express LLC, one of the largest inland transport and logistic companies in Mongolia. He has extensive network in Mongolian transportation and logistics sector.

He established the project’s partnerships in the transportation sector and leads partnership development in Mongolia and Euro-Asia

Tungalag Sukhbat: CFO

She is a finance and investment professional more than 20 years of experience. She has worked in different domains including strategic and financial consulting, central banking, corporate banking, asset management, and multilateral development programs in managerial and expert positions. She achieved CFA Charter in the UK and is a member of the CFA Institute. Moreover, she is a Certified Business Appraiser of Mongolia.

She developed the business plan as well as financial modelling and analysis of the project. She leads financial management and analysis of the project.

Zoljargal Dashnyam: Chief Counsel

She has extensive experience in corporate law and private equity. Her portfolio of clients includes investment banks, multinationals, mining companies, and investment funds. She graduated Harvard Law School in Master of Laws. She was ranked as a top-tier lawyer in Mongolia for 9 years. She is a Senior Partner of the leading law firm in Mongolia, DB&GTS.

She is in charge of the governance model development of the Smart Hub and legal activities of the project.

Alok Gupta: Blockchain Architect

He is a certified blockchain developer with over 12 years of experience in application development and deep knowledge of Hyperledger Fabric architecture and functionalities. He was in top 5% of Blockchain Architecture Design course conducted by IBM and IIT, a top technology institute in India. He developed various blockchain projects and applications in supply chain, real estate registry, health insurance, etc.

He developed the blockchain architecture and application of the prototype system. He leads the blockchain (Hyperledger) architecture and application development of the project.

Maxim Prishchepo: Blockchain Architect

He is a blockchain architect with more than 6 years of experience in blockchain development and 20 years of experience in architecture designs of complex financial IT systems. He is a qualified analyst in crypto banking & finance. He worked as a core blockchain developer and architect for Energi, 0chain, and Wagerr projects. His main areas of specialization are Bitcoin, Ethereum, PIVX, ZCash and other open-source based blockchain solutions.

He developed the Ethereum smart contract of the project. He leads the token payment system and Ethereum blockchain development of the project.

Mauro Andriotto: Adviser

He is internationally recognized as one of the leaders in blockchain and Security Token Offering (STO). He is a professor of Corporate Finance and University of Geneve – UBIS. He is an Independent Expert at the European Commission for Horizon 2020 where he approves public grants for startups. He is also the former quantitative leader at EY for the South Europe area.

He advises the project on European market and fundraising

Garry Pinder: Adviser

He is a Managing Director of Intermodal Solutions Group (ISG). ISG is a global company supplying container rotation systems for the mining, grain and ship loading industries. It operates in 12 countries and wide network of client base in South American region.

He advises the project on South American market of containerized transportation of agricultural and mining products.

Ulf Henning Richter: Adviser

He specialized in logistics and infrastructure technologies of Europe, China, and Africa regions. He is a member of China Highway & Transportation Society. He is also a Chairman of LUKOIL, Hong Kong branch.

He advises the project in partnership development in China.


Website: https://www.obortech.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/OBORTECH

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OBORTECHhub

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OBORTECH

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/obortech

Medium: https://blog.obortech.io/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxPIavuaCHfdpGsT8_hFkw


- Username BTT : mgalang13
- ETH : 0xD53024f26938DDdA54BB7938E787c56bA2815fAB


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